RIGHT ON! 27 short films about COVID-19 and its societal consequences by filmmakers
from Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, The Gambia and Togo (2020)
- Luther N. Mafalleh, Liberia “WELTFILME has opened doors
for me that I didn’t even know existed.”
- Matilda Dogbatsey, Ghana “I don’t have a university degree. My WELTFILME certificate is my professional qualification.” - Matilda Dogbatsey, Ghana “My training with WELTFILME helped me, as a woman, to assert myself in a male-dominated profession.” - Luther N. Mafalleh, Liberia “WELTFILME gave me the confidence to do things
in my own way.”
- Fatou Ndure, The Gambia “The first days of the workshop were such an amazing experience. There was so much to take in, so many things to learn.” - Luther N. Mafalleh, Liberia “Film and television are such powerful tools for drawing
the public’s attention to
important social issues.”
- Mahzouba Maya Faal, The Gambia “In Africa, there are a lot of stories that don’t get told. And many voices that don’t get heard.”
- G-Othello Zordyu, Liberia “In Liberia, there’s no major TV station, no local film industry and, above all, no educational opportunities for young people to learn film. I want to inform and train the next generation.” - Alex Asare, Ghana “WELTFILME — they’re just really good. They’re wonderful people. And they’ve got to keep doing this.” - Alex Asare, Ghana “Most of the media focuses only on the ugly parts of Africa — on war and disasters. I want people to see the real Africa.”


How can a film project be carried out safely in five African countries during Corona in the year 2020? The answer: by repeatedly overthrowing old plans and strictly adhering to local security measures. A joint film training course in Accra eventually turned into online coaching for filmmakers from Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Gambia and Togo, who then trained more than 200 young people in filmmaking in their countries and created short films with them.
Altogether 27 films were produced, all of them dealing with COVID-19 – to raise awareness of health concerns, to address the consequences of the pandemic in society, but also – if possible – to offer solutions. These films, most of which could only be realised under fairly difficult circumstances, have been broadcast on television in the five countries and screened on mobile cinema tours in many towns and villages. They have also been shown at several international festivals.

In all three countries, the film instructors later went on to run further film workshops independently.
The ALL ON BOARD films are available on DVD and have been shown on television and in pop-up cinema tours in Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. They have also received screenings at numerous festivals.


How can a film project be carried out safely in five African countries during Corona in the year 2020? The answer: by repeatedly overthrowing old plans and strictly adhering to local security measures.
A joint film training course in Accra eventually turned into online coaching for filmmakers from Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Gambia and Togo, who then trained more than 200 young people in filmmaking in their countries and created short films with them. Altogether 27 films were produced, all of them dealing with COVID-19 – to raise awareness of health concerns, to address the consequences of the pandemic in society, but also – if possible – to offer solutions.
These films, most of which could only be realised under fairly difficult circumstances, have been broadcast on television in the five countries and screened on mobile cinema tours in many towns and villages. They have also been shown at several international festivals
