MOVING BEYOND is the conclusion of a series of projects aimed at supporting the Film Network West Africa (FNWA) and its five member organisations. As part of the three-year project (2023 – 2026), the partner NGOs in Ghana, The Gambia, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Togo are expanding and professionalising their training programs and networking even more in order to sustainably increase their independence and future viability. At the same time, they are strengthening the film sector in their countries, where qualified specialists are still needed, but there are few and hardly any affordable training opportunities.
Where possible, the partners also organise internships and place trainees directly with TV stations and production companies. By establishing these collaborations, more and more young people should be given the chance to start their professional lives successfully.
The training programs of the partner NGOs emphasise practice-oriented learning and therefore always include film productions in which the trainees are supervised and trained by the trainers. The films deal with topics and problems that the teams consider to be particularly important and relevant. The productions are shown at festivals, mobile cinema tours and on television and are then made available to a wider audience online.
MOVING BEYOND is the conclusion of a series of projects aimed at supporting the Film Network West Africa (FNWA) and its five member organisations. As part of the three-year project (2023 – 2026), the partner NGOs in Ghana, The Gambia, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Togo are expanding and professionalising their training programs and networking even more in order to sustainably increase their independence and future viability. At the same time, they are strengthening the film sector in their countries, where qualified specialists are still needed, but there are few and hardly any affordable training opportunities.
Where possible, the partners also organise internships and place trainees directly with TV stations and production companies. By establishing these collaborations, more and more young people should be given the chance to start their professional lives successfully.
The training programs of the partner NGOs emphasise practice-oriented learning and therefore always include film productions in which the trainees are supervised and trained by the trainers. The films deal with topics and problems that the teams consider to be particularly important and relevant. The productions are shown at festivals, mobile cinema tours and on television and are then made available to a wider audience online.